Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Review: Bloodstone

Review: Bloodstone



Bloodstone (A Reluctant Witch Mystery: Stacy Justice Book Two) (Kindle Edition)
By Barbra Annino

Bloodstone, the second book in the Stacy Justice Mystery Series, begins right where the first book left off. I highly recommend reading the first book in the series in order to understand the previous sequence of events and understand the family dynamics. However, it does start off with the last scene from the first book, which is a great refresher, not that I needed it. Even though it has been a while since I read the first book, the surprise ending really stuck with me! The pace is fast, mysteries and secrets abound, and it is both suspenseful and hilarious at the same time! The situations Stacy manages to get herself into are so funny and she is quite resourceful and quick thinking. I loved the excerpts from Ivy's journal! I am very glad about who Stacy eventually chose to be with and I can't wait for the third book! Love this series!

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//PART 2