Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Review: Blood Challenge

Review: Blood Challenge

Blood Challenge


Blood Challenge (Lupi) (Kindle Edition)
By Eileen Wilks

*do not read unless you've read through book #6: spoilers for past books*
Blood Challenge, book seven in the World of Lupi series, picks up shortly after Blood Magic (A Novel of the Lupi, Book 6) left off. FBI agent and magic sensitive Lily Yu and her Lupi (werewolf) mate Rule Turner are recently engaged. Lily has become the target of anti-Lupi bigots, and receives hate mail and death threats. Meanwhile, she is investigating murders allegedly done by a Leidolf Lupi--hard to believe since he lived in peace with humans for years. Then a series of events makes them believe an old enemy may be at play, leading up to a roller coaster ride of edge-of-your-seat suspense and action.

This book was a great mix of mystery, suspense, romance, adventure and drama. I couldn't put it down! The character development and world building are top notch. I enjoyed seeing a lot of my favorite characters from earlier books as well as meeting new characters like Arjenie. While I missed the presence of Lily's grandmother and Sam, I liked the greater focus on the Lupi, especially Benedict and Isen. The behind-the-scenes look at Lupi life, including their politics, culture and day-to-day life, was interesting. I especially enjoyed the surprising plotline involving Benedict, which took up a large part of the story. I can't say more because it's too big of a spoiler, but it was one of my favorite parts of the book. Great job, Eileen Wilks!

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