Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Review: Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun

Review: Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun

Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun


Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun (Ghost Hunter Mysteries, No. 3) (Ghost Hunter Mystery) (Kindle Edition)
By Victoria Laurie

2:00 am deadtime. Drake Hotel. San Francisco.
Finished reading Victoria Laurie's Ghouls Just Haunt to Have Fun.
Instruments indicate a great deal of activity. If there are spirits here, make yourself known now. Repeat, knock, rap, drop something, but let us know you are here...
(My homage to my favorite of the genre, Paranormal State)
With all the amazing ghost hunting shows on the television, Victoria Laurie has taken an idea and hit it out of the park with her latest in the Ghost Hunter Mysteries Series. Gilley, M.J.'s business partner/techie, has booked her on a new show Haunted Possessions, hoping her gift will not only help those who need to cross over, but help her career in the financially stablility department. A number of psychic mediums have been asked to the Drake Hotel to film a pilot to see if this type of show and chemistry of cast can make it as a syndicated television show.
Turns out half of the professionals are losers and soon are gone. The other 'real deal' is Heath Whitefeather, and while there are some doubts about the project and the true motives of the production company, there is true paranormal activity in the hotel and they agree to help.
Only thing is, there are evil entities that apparently have opened a port, and these guys literally go for blood and murder.
Only thing M.J. and Heath can do is stay and fight and figure out what the heck is going on to conquer the evil forces.
Ms. Laurie has always been a favorite writer with several series running concurrently.
But she has travelled light years with this idea so timely and so perfect for her characters, it has nothing but hit written all over it.

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//PART 2