Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hidden Voices

Hidden Voices

Hidden Voices


Hidden Voices (Tess Schafer-Medium) (Kindle Edition)
By Deborah Hughes

I so enjoyed Be Still, My Love (Tess Schafer-Medium) and I was looking forward to the next "chapter" in the Tess journey. I was expecting this one to be equal to the first but was pleased to find even more enjoyment from this second story.

Tess is someone I would love to meet as she acts like someone who has never met a stranger. She relates well to everyone and yet recognizes her mistakes and imperfections which prevents her from sounding preachy, lecturing or holier-than-thou. All of the characters in both of these books are authentic. The decisions they make and words they speak are cogent. There are few events that can happen in a book that are more distracting for a reader than being compelled to question the believeability of an author's storytelling.

I loved the setting descriptions and my heart would quicken its beat in many paranormal situations. This is a genre where a good book will sing beautifully and a poor one will scream imitation. Ms. Hughes writings truly sing. Can not wait for the next Tess Schafer adventure.

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//PART 2